Slides on Internet of Things protocols and technologies.
Rapid technological advances in the past made possible the miniaturization of network devices to meet the cost and power consumption requirements in IoT and M2M scenarios. What is missing in this picture is a radio technology with both long range capability and a very low cost footprint. Existing radio technologies such as 3G/4G or Short Range Radio do not aptly meet the requirements of IoT scenarios because they are either too expensive or are not able to provide the required range. Other wireless technologies are geared towards high bandwidth which is in most cases not a requirement for IoT. Emerging LPWAN technologies such as ETSI LTN or LoRAWAN are poised for filling the gap by providing long range (up to 40km) and low power connectivity. These technologies allow low cost radio devices and operation thus enabling scaling up IoT applications.
Read More Download PDFMQTT is a protocol designed to fit the needs of Internet of Things scenarios. It is lightweight and efficient, but still affords all the features required for reliable messaging between wireless sensor / actor nodes and applications. MQTT decouples producer and consumer of data (sensors, actors and applications) through message brokers with publish / subscribe message queues called topics. MQTT supports different levels of quality of service thus providing the flexibility to adapt to the different needs of applications. Further features like will and retain messages make MQTT well suited for sensor network scenarios as well as for lightweight enterprise messaging applications. Open source implementations like Eclipse paho provide ample code for integrating MQTT in your own applications.
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