Slides on web services and related technologies.
Web services have come of age and are the foundation of today's enterprise application architectures. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) break up traditional application silos into reusable services shared and used by different applications. Web services group and encapsulate related functionality into reusable functional units. Web service intermediaries complement the business functionality exposed by web services with functions such as authentication, load balancing, logging and caching. To control web service consumer and producer compatibility, web services should carry the version of the service in the interface.
Read More Download PDFREST is a radically different approach for web services compared to the combo SOAP/WSDL. REST defines an architectural style for web applications and web services. REST makes heavy use of the underlying HTTP protocol. REST itself is not a protocol but defines architectural principles based on the concept of addressable resources and a uniform access to these resources based on the well-known HTTP-methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. The state of a client (web service consumer) is controlled by the REST web service through connected links between resources (resource oriented architecture). The client state however is stored on the client itself thus greatly increasing scalability of REST-based architectures. The REST paradigm has mostly superseded SOAP / WSDL type web services in many enterprise applications. This is largely owed to the fact that the underlying HTTP protocol is well understood and proved its scalability in the WWW.
Read More Download PDFA web service provides a defined set of functionality on a machine-processable interface. The web service interface is described in a formal language like WSDL that allows creating code to access the service thus simplifying web service consumer (client) and provider (server) development. In big web services, the interface is typically described in WSDL while the access to the service makes use of the SOAP message protocol. SOAP has its roots in remote object access but is now a general message based and asynchronous transport mechanism. SOAP is typically carried in HTTP (HyperText Transmission Protocol), but other message based protocols like SMTP (Email) or plain TCP could be used as well.
Read More Download PDFSOAP and WSDL are the foundation of big web services. However, SOAP in itself does not provide much more than a simple message transport mechanism. Application level functionality like transactions, reliable messaging and security of the message transfer is defined in a range of web service standards commonly referred to as WS-*. This WS-stack is defined by the standardization organizations W3C and OASIS and provides a framework and toolbox for constructing web service architectures. The WS-Stack addresses almost any conceivable need in an application that makes use of web services for distributed computing. The downside of the WS-* standards is added complexity and interoperability issues.
Read More Download PDFWhen implementing business processes, there is usually a large gap between the business semantics (process, activity, participant, orchestration, choreography, data items etc.) and the technical implementation languages (REST, WSDL, transport protocol, message bus etc.). BPMN has the goal of bridging this gap by providing a standard notation for describing business processes plus a standard mapping of this notation into an executable description language like WSBPEL. The BPMN 2.0 standard even allows executing BPMN business models directly without the need of a translation. The core notation elements of BPMN are flow objects to model activities and events, data objects to model pieces of information, connecting objects to model information and control flow, and swimlanes to model process participants. Four different diagram types allow the modeling of processes, process choreographies, collaboration between participants and conversations.
Read More Download PDFJAX-WS is the core Java web service technology for Java EE applications. It provides a unified client and server-side API for writing SOAP/WSDL based web services. JAX-WS is platform independent. Many Java platforms like Glassfish, Axis2 or CXF support JAX-WS. Thus services developed with JAX-WS on one platform can be easily ported to another platform. JAX-WS is based on annotations like @WebService thus greatly simplifying the development of web services. POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) can be simply annotated with JAX-WS annotations thus turning these into web service implementations. JAX-WS is the core web service technology according to JSR-224 affording basic web service functionality. WSIT (Web Service Interoperability Technology) sits on top of JAX-WS and adds enhanced functionality like security, reliability and transactions. WSIT is the standard Java WS protocol stack beyond basic WS functionality (SOAP, WSDL) to achieve interoperability between Java and .Net (for more complex applications that go beyond simple WS requests).
Read More Download PDFWCF is a unified communication framework for distributed .Net applications. WCF defines a common programming model and unified API for clients and services to send messages between each other. WCF is the current and future standard for distributed .Net applications. One of WCFs core concept is ABC which stands for Address, Binding and Contract. The address defines a service's location. The binding defines how the service can be accessed and the contract defines the service interface. This common model allows a uniform programming model for distributed applications not only based on web services, but also on message based transports like MSMQ.
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